Resources and Links
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Helpful Products or Fun stuff to Play With
Dyenamic Movement, Inc.
Dyenamic Movement Products, Inc. designs and manufactures movement and sensory integration tools for exercise, movement therapy, body image, and group therapy.
Exceptional Resources
This company offers a wide variety of books, toys, musical instrument. Fun site just to browse. Carries some books and cd's by Martha Kate Downey, but an exceptional amount of kid friendly resources are there.
Educators Publishing Service, Inc. This publisher produces very helpful and high quality learning materials.
Includes the series Explode The Code used by Martha Kate and Kate Downey as a tool when tutoring reading students. Explode The Code can be used by children and adults with
a wide range of skills and abilities. The cumulative presentation is fun and
31 Smith Place Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Phone: 1-800-225-5750
Great Products
Quote from a homeschooling mom, "This is a site for a company I have bought things from since I started homeschooling over 7 years ago. I love their t shirts and they have soft
ware. I like them as they are not pushy sales persons. This year I asked them if they knew of a good program to learn computer programing. They said
they do have something and they looked all over for something like that for their son ( now married and making web pages for homeschool vendors). It is
a program that you enroll in a course and have a year to complete it. But they said it was the most complete program they could find. You can even do
a second child for a smaller fee."
Autism Resources
AUTISM: MUST SEE - GPS Personal Locator for children and adults with disabilities
It's finally been developed! The device that every parent wants for
their autistic child: a Global Positioning System wrist bracelet that
tracks the location of their child every moment, day or night. Find
your child INSTANTLY!
Copyright © 2005, All Rights Reserved
The resources and links found on this page are not endorsed by Books by MK, or by personal recommendation by Martha Kate Downey. If used as a resource by Martha Kate Downey, it will be stated as being so, but it is not to be construed as
Martha Kate Downey being held responsible for information and/or services given by the organization or resource.