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If you are residing in Texas and have an emergency need dial these numbers on your telephone:
211 - free and confidential community information and referral services (regarding food, clothing, counseling or tranportation)
911 - critical health emergency
Thank you for visiting this web page. Its mission is to provide help to those in need.
To locate the type of resource you are seeking, just click on one of the links above.
If you know the name of the agency or organization you would like to contact, please use the search box below.
If you have a resource you would like to add to this list, please contact Martha Kate Downey.
Our list is visited by individuals around the world, so we are happy to include groups outside of Texas or the US.
Copyright © 2005, All Rights Reserved
The resources and links found on this page are not endorsed by Books by MK, or by personal recommendation by Martha Kate Downey. If used as a resource by Martha Kate Downey, it will be stated as being so, but it is not to be construed as
Martha Kate Downey being held responsible for information and/orservices given by the organization or resource.